Information Is King!

One day we may see the same level of 3D design, analysis and information that’s commonplace in the auto and aerospace industries applied to our buildings. That vision is still many years in the future, despite the initiatives we are seeing from all over the world with...

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When Should You List FFE As Individual Items?

Room data sheets are designed to provide an overview of the furniture, finishes, fittings, M&E components and specifications in each room. Its common practice to group assets of a certain type together using a single description and a number count, but there are times...

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Accurate Models v Sort Of Accurate.

The 3D Models coming from the automotive and aerospace industries are an accurate representation of the real asset, but as these images show, the AEC industry has got a long way to go in modelling FFE to the same level of accuracy. That's not to say it's impossible,...

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The Way We Use Room Data Is Changing.

The way we use room data is changing. Whereas in the past the discipline was not particularly coordinated with BIM, construction management and FM, now it's better integrated. And where PDF room data sheets were once the expected deliverable, now we are more focused...

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eRDS Gives New Life To Old Room Data.

Back in 2007 the NHS ADB was producing Room Data for PFI hospitals all over the United Kingdom. Ten years later much of that data is sitting in PDF files and is virtually inaccessible.  Steve Foott, eRDS director  is currently returning  all the information contained...

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eRDS Appoints Chairman.

London UK, September 1, 2017. Following the successful Management Buyout and Financing of eRDS Solution & Services Ltd, the company announces Michael Doizi-Young as its new Chairman. Michael’s career has always been in property, starting in the City of London with a...

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eRDS Appoints CEO.

LONDON, UK, September 1. eRDS SOLUTIONS & SERVICES LTD APPOINT PAUL GOODMAN-SIMPSON AS CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO). Following the completion of a management buyout of the ownership interest of the company eRDS Solutions & Services Ltd (eRDS) and its intellectual...

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eRDS Completes Management Buyout.

LONDON, UK, August 25. eRDS SOLUTIONS & SERVICES LTD ANNOUNCES MANAGEMENT BUYOUT. Four years after commercially launching the Electronic Room Data Sheets product suite, the team behind it has concluded a management buyout of the ownership interest of the company eRDS...

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